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Author Topic: 11/6/2020  (Read 6342 times)

Travellin Dave

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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2020, 10:37:49 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
How can we still be counting ballots? This is not how the process should work. Miraculous that the key states still counting votes are the ones Trump lead in and 3 days later, trails in. How do you count 80% of votes in one day and can't count the remainder 3 days later?
I think part of it is the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots cast this year. We never have to wait this long because we never have this many ballots to open by hand, verify by hand, etc. The second part is in places like PA, where they have 7 million votes to count, they've set rules where they can't starting to count until the day of. If you recall, some people wanted to change those rules to let them start counting earlier to prevent this very thing from happening. But it is what it is, you can't call it a democracy if you don't count all the votes, regardless of how long it takes.

Nevada is probably because people are too busy to get up from the craps table.
That's pretty much correct.  PA Republicans refused to allow mail in vote counting to begin until 7PM Tuesday.  In Nevada, hell, they closed up the count and went home at night.  In contrast, Florida allowed votes to be counted when received, and they finished up just fine.  States have vastly different voting procedures, so there will always be differences. 

November 3 is only the last day to VOTE.  There is not a specific time for states to certify the vote and submit  Certificates of Ascertainment.  It is not until December 14, 2020 where Electors vote
The electors in each State meet to select the President and Vice President of the United States.  Then on January 6, 2021 Congress counts the vote
Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes (unless Congress passes a law to change the date).  Finally Inauguration is on Jan we have plenty of time.


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #76 on: November 06, 2020, 10:38:34 AM »

There's a bombshell coming, we'll see if it makes the light of day
Rudy is that you?

Travellin Dave

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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2020, 10:39:10 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
That's a personal dig? I thought we were friends.
Its a week of Tuesdays!


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #78 on: November 06, 2020, 10:39:12 AM »

There's a bombshell coming, we'll see if it makes the light of day
Rudy is that you?


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #79 on: November 06, 2020, 10:39:26 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
We just need more mail-in voting, and make sure you have 1 month after the election to get that vote in. If people are so dump they cant get a vote in on time, then they should not vote. I like vote in person, show ID and stick your finger in the bottle of blue die. Election day should also be a national day off. And open more polling places, so everyone has access.
Agreed, the mail-in process is the most corrupt way, even Jimmy Carter declared that it leads directly to fraud, it's the easiest path. If we wiped out the entire election and made people show up in person, show I.D. and cast votes, the outcome would be dramatically different. My vote and my wife's vote were never counted, fact
Well thats sad. I think the POWERS just want to keep us fighting as they keep taking freedoms and rights away. Trump or Biden don't think we will see much difference. The SWAMP it powerful.
Exactly. I'm clearly not happy if Trump doesn't get re-elected but if he lost fairly to a better opponent, so be it. Just like I didn't vote for Obama but still rooted for him to be great after he was elected. This election is dirty, the only party that has the power to rig this election is the Democratic party. I don't think Biden is fit for office, he has a terrible track record during a poor term and will not see the end of his term before being declared unfit
I gotta figure if the Democrats we're going to rig the election, they would've also given themselves a majority in the Senate. I guess they felt bad for Mitch and decided to let him keep his job.
This was about removing Trump at all costs, otherwise a ton of people would be facing prosecution, both parties.
Since we've reached the wild accusation stage of the post-election cycle, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
No wild accusations here Dave, that's clearly not how I operate. Open your eyes and look at both sides
Ok, I take back wild accusations and substitute unfounded accusations. I can see both sides just fine. Unfortunately, one of the sides keeps throwing words like rigged and fraud around without any actual proof. Hard to look very closely at a side that has no evidence to look at.
Its all on the LAPTOP

Travellin Dave

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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2020, 10:40:19 AM »

There's a bombshell coming, we'll see if it makes the light of day
What?  Warped sale, 50% off?


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #81 on: November 06, 2020, 10:40:32 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
We just need more mail-in voting, and make sure you have 1 month after the election to get that vote in. If people are so dump they cant get a vote in on time, then they should not vote. I like vote in person, show ID and stick your finger in the bottle of blue die. Election day should also be a national day off. And open more polling places, so everyone has access.
Agreed, the mail-in process is the most corrupt way, even Jimmy Carter declared that it leads directly to fraud, it's the easiest path. If we wiped out the entire election and made people show up in person, show I.D. and cast votes, the outcome would be dramatically different. My vote and my wife's vote were never counted, fact
Well thats sad. I think the POWERS just want to keep us fighting as they keep taking freedoms and rights away. Trump or Biden don't think we will see much difference. The SWAMP it powerful.
Exactly. I'm clearly not happy if Trump doesn't get re-elected but if he lost fairly to a better opponent, so be it. Just like I didn't vote for Obama but still rooted for him to be great after he was elected. This election is dirty, the only party that has the power to rig this election is the Democratic party. I don't think Biden is fit for office, he has a terrible track record during a poor term and will not see the end of his term before being declared unfit
I gotta figure if the Democrats we're going to rig the election, they would've also given themselves a majority in the Senate. I guess they felt bad for Mitch and decided to let him keep his job.
This was about removing Trump at all costs, otherwise a ton of people would be facing prosecution, both parties.
Since we've reached the wild accusation stage of the post-election cycle, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
No wild accusations here Dave, that's clearly not how I operate. Open your eyes and look at both sides
Ok, I take back wild accusations and substitute unfounded accusations. I can see both sides just fine. Unfortunately, one of the sides keeps throwing words like rigged and fraud around without any actual proof. Hard to look very closely at a side that has no evidence to look at.
Its all on the LAPTOP
It must be stuck in the mail processing center in PA that lost all those votes. :D


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #82 on: November 06, 2020, 10:40:45 AM »

There's a bombshell coming, we'll see if it makes the light of day
What?  Warped sale, 50% off?

Travellin Dave

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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #83 on: November 06, 2020, 10:42:33 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
We just need more mail-in voting, and make sure you have 1 month after the election to get that vote in. If people are so dump they cant get a vote in on time, then they should not vote. I like vote in person, show ID and stick your finger in the bottle of blue die. Election day should also be a national day off. And open more polling places, so everyone has access.
Agreed, the mail-in process is the most corrupt way, even Jimmy Carter declared that it leads directly to fraud, it's the easiest path. If we wiped out the entire election and made people show up in person, show I.D. and cast votes, the outcome would be dramatically different. My vote and my wife's vote were never counted, fact
Well thats sad. I think the POWERS just want to keep us fighting as they keep taking freedoms and rights away. Trump or Biden don't think we will see much difference. The SWAMP it powerful.
Exactly. I'm clearly not happy if Trump doesn't get re-elected but if he lost fairly to a better opponent, so be it. Just like I didn't vote for Obama but still rooted for him to be great after he was elected. This election is dirty, the only party that has the power to rig this election is the Democratic party. I don't think Biden is fit for office, he has a terrible track record during a poor term and will not see the end of his term before being declared unfit
I gotta figure if the Democrats we're going to rig the election, they would've also given themselves a majority in the Senate. I guess they felt bad for Mitch and decided to let him keep his job.
This was about removing Trump at all costs, otherwise a ton of people would be facing prosecution, both parties.
Since we've reached the wild accusation stage of the post-election cycle, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
No wild accusations here Dave, that's clearly not how I operate. Open your eyes and look at both sides
Ok, I take back wild accusations and substitute unfounded accusations. I can see both sides just fine. Unfortunately, one of the sides keeps throwing words like rigged and fraud around without any actual proof. Hard to look very closely at a side that has no evidence to look at.
Evidence will surface, keep an open mind when it does
Having actual evidence would be refreshing.


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #84 on: November 06, 2020, 10:42:37 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
How can we still be counting ballots? This is not how the process should work. Miraculous that the key states still counting votes are the ones Trump lead in and 3 days later, trails in. How do you count 80% of votes in one day and can't count the remainder 3 days later?
I think part of it is the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots cast this year. We never have to wait this long because we never have this many ballots to open by hand, verify by hand, etc. The second part is in places like PA, where they have 7 million votes to count, they've set rules where they can't starting to count until the day of. If you recall, some people wanted to change those rules to let them start counting earlier to prevent this very thing from happening. But it is what it is, you can't call it a democracy if you don't count all the votes, regardless of how long it takes.

Nevada is probably because people are too busy to get up from the craps table.
That's pretty much correct.  PA Republicans refused to allow mail in vote counting to begin until 7PM Tuesday.  In Nevada, hell, they closed up the count and went home at night.  In contrast, Florida allowed votes to be counted when received, and they finished up just fine.  States have vastly different voting procedures, so there will always be differences. 

November 3 is only the last day to VOTE.  There is not a specific time for states to certify the vote and submit  Certificates of Ascertainment.  It is not until December 14, 2020 where Electors vote
The electors in each State meet to select the President and Vice President of the United States.  Then on January 6, 2021 Congress counts the vote
Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes (unless Congress passes a law to change the date).  Finally Inauguration is on Jan we have plenty of time.
PA spent weeks telling people this was going to take days because they couldn't start early, and now suddenly, Republicans are acting like this is some kind of shock.


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #85 on: November 06, 2020, 10:43:50 AM »

Is covid over now?


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #86 on: November 06, 2020, 10:44:31 AM »

Is covid over now?
I have it on good authority that it's in the process of disappearing.


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #87 on: November 06, 2020, 10:45:17 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
We just need more mail-in voting, and make sure you have 1 month after the election to get that vote in. If people are so dump they cant get a vote in on time, then they should not vote. I like vote in person, show ID and stick your finger in the bottle of blue die. Election day should also be a national day off. And open more polling places, so everyone has access.
Agreed, the mail-in process is the most corrupt way, even Jimmy Carter declared that it leads directly to fraud, it's the easiest path. If we wiped out the entire election and made people show up in person, show I.D. and cast votes, the outcome would be dramatically different. My vote and my wife's vote were never counted, fact
Well thats sad. I think the POWERS just want to keep us fighting as they keep taking freedoms and rights away. Trump or Biden don't think we will see much difference. The SWAMP it powerful.
Exactly. I'm clearly not happy if Trump doesn't get re-elected but if he lost fairly to a better opponent, so be it. Just like I didn't vote for Obama but still rooted for him to be great after he was elected. This election is dirty, the only party that has the power to rig this election is the Democratic party. I don't think Biden is fit for office, he has a terrible track record during a poor term and will not see the end of his term before being declared unfit
I gotta figure if the Democrats we're going to rig the election, they would've also given themselves a majority in the Senate. I guess they felt bad for Mitch and decided to let him keep his job.
This was about removing Trump at all costs, otherwise a ton of people would be facing prosecution, both parties.
Since we've reached the wild accusation stage of the post-election cycle, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
No wild accusations here Dave, that's clearly not how I operate. Open your eyes and look at both sides
Ok, I take back wild accusations and substitute unfounded accusations. I can see both sides just fine. Unfortunately, one of the sides keeps throwing words like rigged and fraud around without any actual proof. Hard to look very closely at a side that has no evidence to look at.
Evidence will surface, keep an open mind when it does
See, you kinda just made MY point for me. That's twice you've referenced some big to-do coming. Now, unless you've been hiding something from us the last few years, I don't think you're plugged in enough to have been given the kind of information you're claiming is coming. The only other option is that you've "heard it from someone who knows". So now, we're playing the telephone game. You can't just fling wild theories around recklessly and still be taken seriously. That's the problem Drumpf is discovering.
We'll see, I'm honestly not concerned whether or not I'm taken seriously by you. The fact that you can't even embrace the possibility that this election can be compromised is more of a concern. Biden himself is evidence to me that the fix was in and regardless of who they presented, the result was certainty


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #88 on: November 06, 2020, 10:48:29 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
We just need more mail-in voting, and make sure you have 1 month after the election to get that vote in. If people are so dump they cant get a vote in on time, then they should not vote. I like vote in person, show ID and stick your finger in the bottle of blue die. Election day should also be a national day off. And open more polling places, so everyone has access.
Agreed, the mail-in process is the most corrupt way, even Jimmy Carter declared that it leads directly to fraud, it's the easiest path. If we wiped out the entire election and made people show up in person, show I.D. and cast votes, the outcome would be dramatically different. My vote and my wife's vote were never counted, fact
Well thats sad. I think the POWERS just want to keep us fighting as they keep taking freedoms and rights away. Trump or Biden don't think we will see much difference. The SWAMP it powerful.
Exactly. I'm clearly not happy if Trump doesn't get re-elected but if he lost fairly to a better opponent, so be it. Just like I didn't vote for Obama but still rooted for him to be great after he was elected. This election is dirty, the only party that has the power to rig this election is the Democratic party. I don't think Biden is fit for office, he has a terrible track record during a poor term and will not see the end of his term before being declared unfit
I gotta figure if the Democrats we're going to rig the election, they would've also given themselves a majority in the Senate. I guess they felt bad for Mitch and decided to let him keep his job.
This was about removing Trump at all costs, otherwise a ton of people would be facing prosecution, both parties.
Since we've reached the wild accusation stage of the post-election cycle, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
No wild accusations here Dave, that's clearly not how I operate. Open your eyes and look at both sides
Ok, I take back wild accusations and substitute unfounded accusations. I can see both sides just fine. Unfortunately, one of the sides keeps throwing words like rigged and fraud around without any actual proof. Hard to look very closely at a side that has no evidence to look at.
Evidence will surface, keep an open mind when it does
Having actual evidence would be refreshing.


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Re: 11/6/2020
« Reply #89 on: November 06, 2020, 10:50:49 AM »

Welcome to Election Night, Day 4.

Good morning, @LuvTooGolf . At least it's Friday.
I think they a waiting till the weekend to announce Biden is president so the Trump voters can riot without taking a day off work. Just a thought @tinfoil
Rioting has no place for either side. I can't help but believe the media outlets have much to blame for this Country's divide.
100% Rick, the media has way too much say in regards to important matters and we let them influence us. The entire system is broken, if we learn nothing else during this election process, it's that we need to be much better at it.
I have a hard time blaming the media. People ultimately have to decide for themselves. If they let the media influence them in their decision making process, that's on them. That's kinda like getting really fat and blaming your wife because she makes cookies and you stand over the sink and eat them all like an animal.
Though, hard to argue about changes needed to the election process. It's kind of embarrassing to be the "greatest country in the world" and yet we have like 35 different voting systems across 50 states.
That's my point, we clearly know which side we're both on but regardless of that, the more you learn about the system(s) the more embarrassing it is and the accuracy of such a system is in serious question. This could cost Americans their freedom of vote in any election year, regardless of allegiance
We just need more mail-in voting, and make sure you have 1 month after the election to get that vote in. If people are so dump they cant get a vote in on time, then they should not vote. I like vote in person, show ID and stick your finger in the bottle of blue die. Election day should also be a national day off. And open more polling places, so everyone has access.
Agreed, the mail-in process is the most corrupt way, even Jimmy Carter declared that it leads directly to fraud, it's the easiest path. If we wiped out the entire election and made people show up in person, show I.D. and cast votes, the outcome would be dramatically different. My vote and my wife's vote were never counted, fact
Well thats sad. I think the POWERS just want to keep us fighting as they keep taking freedoms and rights away. Trump or Biden don't think we will see much difference. The SWAMP it powerful.
Exactly. I'm clearly not happy if Trump doesn't get re-elected but if he lost fairly to a better opponent, so be it. Just like I didn't vote for Obama but still rooted for him to be great after he was elected. This election is dirty, the only party that has the power to rig this election is the Democratic party. I don't think Biden is fit for office, he has a terrible track record during a poor term and will not see the end of his term before being declared unfit
I gotta figure if the Democrats we're going to rig the election, they would've also given themselves a majority in the Senate. I guess they felt bad for Mitch and decided to let him keep his job.
This was about removing Trump at all costs, otherwise a ton of people would be facing prosecution, both parties.
Since we've reached the wild accusation stage of the post-election cycle, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
No wild accusations here Dave, that's clearly not how I operate. Open your eyes and look at both sides
Ok, I take back wild accusations and substitute unfounded accusations. I can see both sides just fine. Unfortunately, one of the sides keeps throwing words like rigged and fraud around without any actual proof. Hard to look very closely at a side that has no evidence to look at.
Evidence will surface, keep an open mind when it does
See, you kinda just made MY point for me. That's twice you've referenced some big to-do coming. Now, unless you've been hiding something from us the last few years, I don't think you're plugged in enough to have been given the kind of information you're claiming is coming. The only other option is that you've "heard it from someone who knows". So now, we're playing the telephone game. You can't just fling wild theories around recklessly and still be taken seriously. That's the problem Drumpf is discovering.
We'll see, I'm honestly not concerned whether or not I'm taken seriously by you. The fact that you can't even embrace the possibility that this election can be compromised is more of a concern. Biden himself is evidence to me that the fix was in and regardless of who they presented, the result was certainty
Compromised, but not at the ballot box. My tinfoil website was talking about Trump having set up a STING with fake ballots.
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