
Cigar Banter => Daily Cigar Deals Discussion => Topic started by: CigarBanter on December 29, 2015, 12:02:51 AM

Title: 12/29/2015
Post by: CigarBanter on December 29, 2015, 12:02:51 AM
Typically on Tuesdays, in between insults we'll occasionally discuss cigars. Join in and perhaps learn something along the way. Warning: don't proceed if you have thin skin but don't be afraid to post either...  And welcome aboard!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:35:47 AM
Good morning guys.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:36:32 AM
Today is Tuesday, Dec. 29, the 363rd day of 2015. There are two days left in the year.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:37:16 AM
Today's Highlight in History:

On Dec. 29, 1975, a bomb exploded in the main terminal of New York's LaGuardia Airport, killing 11 people (it's never been determined who was responsible).
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:38:00 AM
On this date:
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:38:37 AM
In 1170, Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was slain in Canterbury Cathedral by knights loyal to King Henry II.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:39:05 AM
In 1808, the 17th president of the United States, Andrew Johnson, was born in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:39:55 AM
In 1812, during the War of 1812, the American frigate USS Constitution engaged and severely damaged the British frigate HMS Java off Brazil.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:40:18 AM
In 1845, Texas was admitted as the 28th state.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:40:53 AM
In 1890, the Wounded Knee massacre took place in South Dakota as an estimated 300 Sioux Indians were killed by U.S. troops sent to disarm them.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:41:39 AM
In 1916, Grigory Rasputin, the so-called "Mad Monk" who'd wielded great influence with Czar Nicholas II, was killed by a group of Russian noblemen in St. Petersburg.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:42:11 AM
In 1934, Japan formally renounced the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:42:47 AM
In 1940, during World War II, Germany dropped incendiary bombs on London, setting off what came to be known as "The Second Great Fire of London."
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:43:18 AM
In 1957, singers Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme were married in Las Vegas.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:43:45 AM
In 1972, Eastern Air Lines Flight 401, a Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, crashed into the Florida Everglades near Miami International Airport, killing 101 of the 176 people aboard.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:44:14 AM
In 1989, dissident and playwright Vaclav Havel (VAHTS'-lahv HAH'-vel) assumed the presidency of Czechoslovakia.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:44:44 AM
In 1992, the United States and Russia announced agreement on a nuclear arms reduction treaty.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:45:10 AM
Ten years ago: International monitors said they would review Iraq's parliamentary elections in response to fraud complaints by Sunni Arab and secular Shiite groups.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:45:43 AM
Five years ago: The Obama administration expelled Venezuela's ambassador to the United States, a day after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he would not allow diplomat Larry Palmer to become the U.S. ambassador to his country. Suicide bombers succeeded in killing Iraqi police commander Lt. Col. Shamil al-Jabouri, who was renowned in the tense northern city of Mosul for his relentless pursuit of al-Qaida. Character actor Bill Erwin, 96, whose nearly seven-decade career included his memorable role as the grumpy old man on television's "Seinfeld," died in suburban Los Angeles.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:46:16 AM
One year ago: President Barack Obama, in an NPR interview, issued a warning to congressional Republicans set to take control of both houses of Congress, saying he had a veto pen, and would not be afraid to use it. A man with a lengthy criminal record killed six adults and two young children before taking his own life in Edmonton, Alberta.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:46:48 AM
Today's Birthdays: Country singer Rose Lee Maphis is 93. Actress Dina Merrill is 92. Actress Inga Swenson is 83. ABC newscaster Tom Jarriel is 81. Actress Mary Tyler Moore is 79. Actress Barbara Steele is 78. Actor Jon Voight is 77. Country singer Ed Bruce is 76. Rock musician Ray Thomas is 74. Singer Marianne Faithfull is 69. Jockey Laffit Pincay, Jr. is 69. Actor Ted Danson is 68. Actor Jon Polito is 65. Singer-actress Yvonne Elliman is 64. Actress Patricia Clarkson is 56. Comedian Paula Poundstone is 56. Rock singer-musician Jim Reid (The Jesus and Mary Chain) is 54. Actor Michael Cudlitz is 51. Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 50. Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 49. Actor Jason Gould is 49. CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 48. Movie director Andy Wachowski is 48. Actress Jennifer Ehle is 46. Actor Patrick Fischler is 46. Rock singer-musician Glen Phillips is 45. Actor Kevin Weisman is 45. Actor Jude Law is 43. Actress Maria Dizzia (TV: "Orange is the New Black") is 41. Actor Mekhi Phifer (mih-KY' FY'-fuhr) is 41. Actor Shawn Hatosy is 40. Actress Katherine Moennig is 38. Actor Diego Luna is 36. Country singer Jessica Andrews is 32. Actress Jane Levy is 26. Singer-actor-dancer Ross Lynch is 20.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:47:17 AM
Thought for Today: "Sin cannot be undone, only forgiven." — Igor Stravinsky, Russian-born composer (1882-1971).
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:48:34 AM
Washington Post

The Washington Post asked readers to take any word from the 
dictionary,  alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing 
one letter, and supply a new  definition.

Here are this year's winners. Read them carefully. Each is 
an artificial  word with only one letter altered to form a 
real word. Some are terrifically  innovative:

a.. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which 
lasts until you  realize it was your money to start with.

b.. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly

c.. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people 
that stops bright  ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer,
unfortunately, shows little sign  of breaking down in the 
near future.

d.. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which 
renders the subject  financially impotent for an indefinite 

e.. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

f.. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit 
and the person  who doesn't get it.

g.. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are 
running late.

h.. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

i.. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra

j.. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off 
all these really  bad vibes, right? And then, like, the 
Earth explodes and it's like, a  serious bummer.

k.. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through 
the day  consuming only things that are good for you.

l.. Glibido: All talk and no action.

m.. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem 
smarter when they  come at you rapidly.

n.. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just
after you've  accidentally walked through a spider web.

o.. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that 
gets into your  bedroom at three in the morning and cannot 
be cast out.

p.. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half 
a worm in the  fruit you're eating.

Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 02:57:59 AM
Time to hit the road for work, enjoy your day guys.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 04:48:48 AM
About time for a double sheesh. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 05:44:31 AM
About time for a double sheesh.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 05:45:23 AM
Excuses for  Missing Work

1. If it is all the same to you I won't be coming in to work. The voices told me to clean all the guns today.

2. When I got up this morning I took two Ex-Lax in addition to my Prozac. I can't get off the john, but I feel good about it.

3. I set half the clocks in my house ahead an hour and the other half back an hour Saturday and spent 18 hours in some kind of space-time continuum loop, reliving Sunday (right up until the explosion). I was able to exit the loop only by reversing the polarity of the power source exactly e*log(pi) clocks in the house while simultaneously rapping my dog on the snout with a rolled up Times. Accordingly, I will be in late, or early.

4. My stigmata's acting up.

5. I can't come in to work today because I'll be stalking my previous boss, who fired me for not showing up for work. OK?

6. I have a rare case of 48-hour projectile leprosy, but I know we have that deadline to meet...

7. I am stuck in the blood pressure machine down at the Food Giant.

8. Yes, I seem to have contracted some attention-deficit disorder and, hey, how about them Dodgers, huh? So, I won't be able to, yes, could I help you? No, no, I'll be sticking with Sprint, but thank you for calling.

9. Constipation has made me a walking time bomb.

10. I just found out that I was switched at birth. Legally, I shouldn't come to work knowing my employee records may now contain false information.

11. The psychiatrist said it was an excellent session. He even gave me this jaw restraint so I won't bite things when I am startled.

12. The dog ate my car keys. We're going to hitchhike to the vet.

13. I prefer to remain an enigma.

14. My step-mother has come back as one of the Undead and we must track her to her coffin to drive a stake through her heart and give her eternal peace. One day should do it.

15. I can't come to work today because the EPA has determined that my house is completely surrounded by wetlands and I have to arrange for helicopter transportation.

16. I am converting my calendar from Julian to Gregorian.

17. I am extremely sensitive to a rise in the interest rates.

18. I refuse to travel to my job
until there is a commuter tax. I insist on paying my fair share.

Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 05:45:53 AM
Late Night

After a night on the town, a young woman brought a new friend home for a late-night drink. "You can't make any noise," she warned him. "My parents are upstairs and if they find out they'll kill us."

Things started getting heated on the sofa, but after a while alcohol got the better of the man. "I have to go," he said.

"Well you can't go upstairs. The bathroom is right next to my parents' bedroom," she replied. "Use the kitchen sink."

So he dutifully retired to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he popped his head around the door and asked, "Do you have any toilet paper, or should I just use a paper towel?"
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 06:18:29 AM
Morning LSU
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 06:41:51 AM
Morning LSU
Good morning Native. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: LSUFAN on December 29, 2015, 06:42:18 AM
Morning LSU
I am guessing you will make it home sometime today. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 06:50:26 AM
Morning LSU
I am guessing you will make it home sometime today.
Shreveport today, going to spend the night at the wardens sister's so they can visit a while.  It would be a mighty long trip all the way to Austin anyway, about 12-13 hours driving to do that. My body is too old for that anymore. I
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 06:55:11 AM
Travel well Dave.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 06:55:35 AM
Morning Chip and Dave.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 06:57:29 AM
In 1845, Texas was admitted as the 28th state.
So it's TexDave and Bean day!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:02:36 AM
Travel well Dave.
It will be a while before hitting the road today  ::)
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:03:07 AM
Morning Chip and Dave.
Morning Travellin Dave
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:07:10 AM
C Page really got lazy for the Holidays!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 07:20:49 AM
C Page really got lazy for the Holidays!
True.  Interesting to see how they recover.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:26:41 AM
C Page really got lazy for the Holidays!
True.  Interesting to see how they recover.
Yes it will be but I am thinking they are just taking the CI Road with a new name after a 2 week come-on jump start.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:32:20 AM
Looks like some more seasonal weather headed towards you Jersey Boyz
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 07:41:18 AM
Looks like some more seasonal weather headed towards you Jersey Boyz
Not too bad.  In the sixty's today, 50's for the next two before getting into the 40's for the weekend.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 07:43:08 AM
Looks like they caught the "Affluenza" teen runaway and his mother in Mexico.   Hope they are preparing a nice vacation stay for both.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:48:18 AM
Looks like they caught the "Affluenza" teen runaway and his mother in Mexico.   Hope they are preparing a nice vacation stay for both.
Hopefully a very long vacation for them
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:49:01 AM
Time to have a little breakfast and get loaded up.  Later All.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 07:59:30 AM
Time to have a little breakfast and get loaded up.  Later All.
Carry on TravellinTexDave.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 08:07:10 AM
In 1845, Texas was admitted as the 28th state.
So it's TexDave and Bean day!
Yeah, saw that.  It's not a day celebrated here, unlike Texas Independence Day, for which a reenactment is gaining momentum!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 08:07:58 AM
Dang, a page of Daves.  Looks like I arrived just in time.  Morning, Daves.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 08:18:43 AM
Morning Bean

Sure glad I am not using the airlines today😀
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 08:28:11 AM
Morning Bean

Sure glad I am not using the airlines today😀
Yea, yea, where's your sense of adventure?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 08:28:32 AM
Morning Mr. Bean, good day to you sir.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 08:29:31 AM
Morning Bean

Sure glad I am not using the airlines today😀
Or any day, if memory serves.  And I'm sure they miss you, too.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 08:33:46 AM
Morning Bean

Sure glad I am not using the airlines today😀
Or any day, if memory serves.  And I'm sure they miss you, too.
Probably so a thousands of their customers sit in airports for hours and hours .....
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 09:09:35 AM
C Page really got lazy for the Holidays!
Talk about lazy, they just rolled over the deal for a second day....kinda like hitting the snooze alarm.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 09:20:54 AM
C Page really got lazy for the Holidays!
Talk about lazy, they just rolled over the deal for a second day....kinda like hitting the snooze alarm.
They are too new to have earned vacation time for this week. Guess they aren't hungry enough.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 09:29:19 AM
Mornin' everybody.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 09:41:48 AM
Mornin' everybody.
Morning Occifer Cam. Holding down the fort in the office again today?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: flip from jersey on December 29, 2015, 09:44:49 AM
Good morning boys, going to try and see the doctor today, can't talk without breaking into a coughing fit...
No cigars in my foreseeable future. Maybe next year.  8)
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 09:49:03 AM
Here's a good one for our Texas friends:

Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 09:50:02 AM
Morning Cam and Flip.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 10:01:16 AM
Here's a good one for our Texas friends:
Looks about right.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 10:15:57 AM
Mornin' everybody.
Morning Occifer Cam. Holding down the fort in the office again today?
Should be in an out of the office all day.  shaping up to be a busy one, hopefully.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 10:22:49 AM
good morning Dave's, Mark and Cam....Cam?  Hey man, how are you?  been a while!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 10:23:19 AM
Sorry Flip!  good morning to you too!!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
Good morning boys, going to try and see the doctor today, can't talk without breaking into a coughing fit...
No cigars in my foreseeable future. Maybe next year.  8)
Hope your feeling better soon!  had the same complaint right after Thanksgiving and was a couple of weeks before I felt comfortable smoking.  The way the temperature has been, i almost want to blame pollen.  buds on trees are about to pop here.  some fruit tree blossoms already have.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 11:01:06 AM
good morning Dave's, Mark and Cam....Cam?  Hey man, how are you?  been a while!
Mornin' Samus!  It has been a while indeed. I am good, married, movin on up at work, just livin life ya know?  Got a few boxes of seegars on the way, since I haven't purchased in a while.  How is life on your end buddy?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 11:08:11 AM
good morning Dave's, Mark and Cam....Cam?  Hey man, how are you?  been a while!
Mornin' Samus!  It has been a while indeed. I am good, married, movin on up at work, just livin life ya know?  Got a few boxes of seegars on the way, since I haven't purchased in a while.  How is life on your end buddy?
Good here, thanks!  healthy so far and still burning one now and then. (ok, maybe a few more than that)  Glad to see your doing good!  I see "in and out of the office" in a previous post, desk work for you? 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 11:09:51 AM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 11:10:09 AM
good morning Dave's, Mark and Cam....Cam?  Hey man, how are you?  been a while!
Mornin' Samus!  It has been a while indeed. I am good, married, movin on up at work, just livin life ya know?  Got a few boxes of seegars on the way, since I haven't purchased in a while.  How is life on your end buddy?
Good here, thanks!  healthy so far and still burning one now and then. (ok, maybe a few more than that)  Glad to see your doing good!  I see "in and out of the office" in a previous post, desk work for you?
Street level detective work.  It's nice, dayshift hours, facial hair, plain clothes to work.  Feel like a rookie though, starting over here there is a whole lot to learn, its a whole new world of police work!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 11:11:51 AM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Lol GOOOOOOD Mornin' Deano!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 11:14:20 AM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Lol GOOOOOOD Mornin' Deano!
Cam my friend! good to hear you are well.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: razgueado on December 29, 2015, 11:20:45 AM
Morning, muchachos.  Merry belated Christmas.  It was a continuous celebration for my clan from Thursday at 11:30pm until last night at 10:30pm, with a few hours out for sleeping.  I had to come back to work to dry out some and get a little peace and quiet.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 11:27:22 AM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Lol GOOOOOOD Mornin' Deano!
Cam my friend! good to hear you are well.
Thank ya sir!  Boxes started arriving yesterday, second one should be on the porch any minute!  It's like Christmas....after Christmas!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 11:29:19 AM
Morning, muchachos.  Merry belated Christmas.  It was a continuous celebration for my clan from Thursday at 11:30pm until last night at 10:30pm, with a few hours out for sleeping.  I had to come back to work to dry out some and get a little peace and quiet.
Mornin Raz, I was also glad to come back to work to get a break from holiday vacation.  Saturday night was rough for me and the wife.  Met with some friends at the B&M, then hit the bar, then the casino......Got home about the time the sun was coming up.  Haven't done that in about 10 years or so, it hurt then next day!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 11:42:00 AM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 11:43:07 AM
Morning Sam and Raz.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 11:43:53 AM
good morning Dave's, Mark and Cam....Cam?  Hey man, how are you?  been a while!
Mornin' Samus!  It has been a while indeed. I am good, married, movin on up at work, just livin life ya know?  Got a few boxes of seegars on the way, since I haven't purchased in a while.  How is life on your end buddy?
Good here, thanks!  healthy so far and still burning one now and then. (ok, maybe a few more than that)  Glad to see your doing good!  I see "in and out of the office" in a previous post, desk work for you?
Street level detective work.  It's nice, dayshift hours, facial hair, plain clothes to work.  Feel like a rookie though, starting over here there is a whole lot to learn, its a whole new world of police work!
Sweet!  Detective Cam!  Congratulations!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 11:44:21 AM
Good morning Dean & Raz!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 11:45:18 AM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better! 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 11:45:33 AM
and good morning TD!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: razgueado on December 29, 2015, 11:45:44 AM
Morning, muchachos.  Merry belated Christmas.  It was a continuous celebration for my clan from Thursday at 11:30pm until last night at 10:30pm, with a few hours out for sleeping.  I had to come back to work to dry out some and get a little peace and quiet.
Mornin Raz, I was also glad to come back to work to get a break from holiday vacation.  Saturday night was rough for me and the wife.  Met with some friends at the B&M, then hit the bar, then the casino......Got home about the time the sun was coming up.  Haven't done that in about 10 years or so, it hurt then next day!
Yeah, I remember when I could stagger home at dawn, grab a couple hours sleep, wake up still two sheets to the wind, have a beer or two for breakfast, go whitewater rafting, play a four-hour gig, hit the after-party and stagger home at dawn.  Now just thinking about it makes me hurt.  I need a nap.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: razgueado on December 29, 2015, 11:46:07 AM
Morning Sam and Raz.
Morning, TD.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 11:52:44 AM
good morning Dave's, Mark and Cam....Cam?  Hey man, how are you?  been a while!
Mornin' Samus!  It has been a while indeed. I am good, married, movin on up at work, just livin life ya know?  Got a few boxes of seegars on the way, since I haven't purchased in a while.  How is life on your end buddy?
Good here, thanks!  healthy so far and still burning one now and then. (ok, maybe a few more than that)  Glad to see your doing good!  I see "in and out of the office" in a previous post, desk work for you?
Street level detective work.  It's nice, dayshift hours, facial hair, plain clothes to work.  Feel like a rookie though, starting over here there is a whole lot to learn, its a whole new world of police work!
Sweet!  Detective Cam!  Congratulations!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 11:57:23 AM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 12:06:40 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 12:18:25 PM
I replied Cam.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 12:19:06 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 12:24:08 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
Now we've classed up the conversation...BD should be stopping in soon.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: razgueado on December 29, 2015, 12:30:20 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
...for the separation.  Viagra for the lift.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 12:35:44 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
...for the separation.  Viagra for the lift.
I'll take your word for it.... ;)
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 12:37:06 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
Now we've classed up the conversation...BD should be stopping in soon.
Knuckledraggers, sheesh!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: razgueado on December 29, 2015, 12:37:49 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
...for the separation.  Viagra for the lift.
I'll take your word for it.... ;)
As if the thought of Dean in crotchless panties couldn't make you at least temporarily impotent.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 12:47:33 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 12:47:38 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
...for the separation.  Viagra for the lift.
I'll take your word for it.... ;)
As if the thought of Dean in crotchless panties couldn't make you at least temporarily impotent.
kind of turning myself off myself here.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 12:49:31 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
I really don't think you want to go there Tony.

good afternoon to ya.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 12:58:15 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 12:58:39 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
I really don't think you want to go there Tony.

good afternoon to ya.
And to you, sir.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 12:59:46 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 01:08:28 PM
Afternoon perverts.  Just sat down for lunch at the Moss Creek Catfish in Jackson, MS. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: razgueado on December 29, 2015, 01:17:50 PM
Afternoon perverts.  Just sat down for lunch at the Moss Creek Catfish in Jackson, MS.
This conversation will make you lose your appetite...and maybe your breakfast.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 01:24:37 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 01:30:18 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
Based off of what I am gathering, that sounds like required dress attire for this party....
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 01:30:41 PM
I can't imagine having this conversation in a crowded B&M.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 01:33:09 PM
Back to ya Deano
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Smokedbacon on December 29, 2015, 01:33:55 PM
I can't imagine having this conversation in a crowded B&M.
Me neither, it would be tough to hide this erection in a crowded group!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 01:35:44 PM
not a good morning guys. rough night sleeping. coffee pot switch shit the bed. RA kicking my ass. taking down Christmas tree and decorations. doing laundry and dishes. water stinks. haven't had a day this bad in years.

Oliva O maduro robusto lit. 79°, overcast and breezy. Life Is Good again.
Santa should have gotten you a new coffee maker instead of that gift cert. to Victoria's Secret.
However, had he slept in that new nighty he got for himself, how would have slept a little better!
I need 'lift and separation' that only Victoria Secret provides.
Delux Ball Bra?
crotchless panties.
Now we've classed up the conversation...BD should be stopping in soon.
Knuckledraggers, sheesh!
Your point? 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: FloridaDean on December 29, 2015, 01:36:55 PM
I can't imagine having this conversation in a crowded B&M.
Me neither, it would be tough to hide this erection in a crowded group!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 01:37:30 PM
Afternoon perverts.  Just sat down for lunch at the Moss Creek Catfish in Jackson, MS.
They buy those fish, or just snag whatever drifts by in the floodwaters?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 01:37:51 PM
Time to hit the road again, if those erections last over 4 hours seek medical attention
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 01:38:36 PM
I can't imagine having this conversation in a crowded B&M.
Me neither, it would be tough to hide this erection in a crowded group!
Hide lawyer speak, it would be the equivalent of him hanging out his shingle.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 01:39:00 PM
Time to hit the road again, if those erections last over 4 hours seek medical attention
...or a second girlfriend.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 01:40:30 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
Hmmm, sounds like Bean already has his apparel picked out.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 01:41:30 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 01:42:26 PM
Afternoon perverts.  Just sat down for lunch at the Moss Creek Catfish in Jackson, MS.
That sounds nummy. Much better than the salad I just ate at my desk.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 01:43:33 PM
I can't imagine having this conversation in a crowded B&M.
Me neither, it would be tough to hide this erection in a crowded group!
LMAO! Hi there, Cam.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 01:45:00 PM
Hello to Raz and NJDave too.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 01:50:11 PM
Afternoon Mr. Mayor.  You still have company around?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 01:50:47 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 02:04:41 PM
Afternoon Mr. Mayor.  You still have company around?
I do. Driving back to Philly to dump them off on Sunday. All kidding aside, it's been fun having my nephew around. He's good people.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 02:05:15 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate.
All you white guys look alike.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 02:15:49 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate.
All you white guys look alike.
Especially from that angle.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 02:27:45 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate.
All you white guys look alike.
Especially from that angle.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 02:43:44 PM
I really hoped today would be an easy day at work. It's been busier than expected.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 02:51:00 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em:
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 03:01:50 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em:
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 03:05:39 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em:
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Howdy, Sam. Hope all is well. The reviews I've read were all pretty positive too. I've liked the original Origens and 777 line from J. Fuego.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 03:42:48 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate.
All you white guys look alike.
Especially from that angle.
I was trying to think of the best way to say that.....I guess making it harder than it needed to be.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 03:44:52 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate.
All you white guys look alike.
Especially from that angle.
I was trying to think of the best way to say that.....I guess making it harder than it needed to be.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 03:45:23 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate.
All you white guys look alike.
Especially from that angle.
I was trying to think of the best way to say that.....I guess making it harder than it needed to be.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 03:45:48 PM
Hello, boys. What's stirring?
Dean is planning his New Year's Eve party ensemble.  Afternoon, Mr. Mayor.
Howdy, Mark. Are you planning on attending Deano's S&M party?
Oh yeah, you couldn't keep me away if you hog-tied and ball-gagged me.
No, that was Nate.
All you white guys look alike.
Especially from that angle.
I was trying to think of the best way to say that.....I guess making it harder than it needed to be.
Dang it, foiled again!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 04:01:11 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em: (
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Ah, corojo...
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 04:04:15 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em: (
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Ah, corojo...
Mikey! You remembering past banterers?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 04:11:45 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em: (
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Ah, corojo...
Brazilian corojo mind you...  Hi CB!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 04:13:12 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em: (
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Ah, corojo...
Mikey! You remembering past banterers?
Yep.  Afternoon Tony.  It's winter today in overcast Oxford.  In other words back to normal.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 04:14:41 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em: (
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Ah, corojo...
Brazilian corojo mind you...  Hi CB!
Howdy Sam.  The Bengals bungled and lost in OT by fumbling the ball on a snap from center.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 04:16:33 PM
hmm, went looking for a ride home smoke and found a couple of Skull Breakers.  forgot I had these.  one of them will be offered up in sacrifice this afternoon i fear.  ok, not fear so much as anticipate.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 04:17:56 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em: (
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Ah, corojo...
Brazilian corojo mind you...  Hi CB!
Howdy Sam.  The Bengals bungled and lost in OT by fumbling the ball on a snap from center.
Well, can't say much there, I root for the Ravens, and yesterday aside, it's been an "interesting" season for them.  i have to give them props for yesterday though.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 04:24:42 PM
Ahh, I see, Bengals are battling the Ravens this Sunday.  I'd say it'll probably be a bit on the ho-hum side, but....
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: ss2 on December 29, 2015, 04:26:12 PM
Good evening all,  me an' my Skull Breaker are headed out.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 04:32:52 PM
Good evening all,  me an' my Skull Breaker are headed out.
Later, Sam. Coffee and Presando going here.  Got it in a sampler, as I recall.  Good smoke as AB's go. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 04:32:59 PM
Perhaps a little instigating/enabling to get things rollin'? Haven't had these but this seems to be the best price I've seen on 'em: (
Hey Tony!  saw these on the Cigar Page a few days back, but didn't bite.  they look interesting.  the original corojo ones are pretty good.
Ah, corojo...
Brazilian corojo mind you...  Hi CB!
Howdy Sam.  The Bengals bungled and lost in OT by fumbling the ball on a snap from center.
Well, can't say much there, I root for the Ravens, and yesterday aside, it's been an "interesting" season for them.  i have to give them props for yesterday though.
Sheesh the Ravens!  Never more.  Mallet can throw an amazing pass.  Too many player changes for one reason or another.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 04:34:25 PM
Good evening all,  me an' my Skull Breaker are headed out.
Burnt offering to the gods of the Leaf.  Drive safe and enjoy the your smoke.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 04:35:31 PM
Good evening all,  me an' my Skull Breaker are headed out.
Later, Sam. Coffee and Presando going here.  Got it in a sampler, as I recall.  Good smoke as AB's go.
Afternoon Marky.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 04:54:30 PM
Good evening all,  me an' my Skull Breaker are headed out.
Later, Sam. Coffee and Presando going here.  Got it in a sampler, as I recall.  Good smoke as AB's go.
Afternoon Marky.
Hi Mikey.  Got big New Year's party plans?  If not, join us at Dean's.  BYOCrotchlessPanties.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 04:59:52 PM
I'm heading out too with the newly acquired Padilla Artemis toro. The weather is cold and windy but then again, so is my wife.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 04:59:53 PM
Evening Duke of Oxford.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 05:01:02 PM
Ahh, I see, Bengals are battling the Ravens this Sunday.  I'd say it'll probably be a bit on the ho-hum side, but....
Half of these teams don't have a QB to field...
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 05:01:25 PM
Good evening all,  me an' my Skull Breaker are headed out.
Later, Sam. Coffee and Presando going here.  Got it in a sampler, as I recall.  Good smoke as AB's go.
Afternoon Marky.
Hi Mikey.  Got big New Year's party plans?  If not, join us at Dean's.  BYOCrotchlessPanties.
No big plans but WILL be watching the Orange Bowl game.  Boomer Sooner!  Crotchless panties?  You mean cut the yellow part out?  Scrape, drag...  Just knuckle dragging...
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 05:03:40 PM
Evening Duke of Oxford.
Evening Dave.  Where in the world are you?  Been meaning to ask you about your thoughts on the LFD La Nox.  And the verdict is?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 05:04:47 PM
Ahh, I see, Bengals are battling the Ravens this Sunday.  I'd say it'll probably be a bit on the ho-hum side, but....
Half of these teams don't have a QB to field...
Some of the teams have just been introduced to their new starting QB.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 05:05:23 PM
Congrats on 4000 posts, Mike! Ok, I'm really outta here now.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 05:08:51 PM
I'm heading out too with the newly acquired Padilla Artemis toro. The weather is cold and windy but then again, so is my wife. ( Later, Mr. Mayor.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 05:09:42 PM
Evening Duke of Oxford.
Evening Dave.  Where in the world are you?  Been meaning to ask you about your thoughts on the LFD La Nox.  And the verdict is?
Decent smoke, chocolate, coffee, leather.  Pretty uniform.  Need to get to another to pay a little closer attention.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 05:10:24 PM
Congrats on 4000 posts, Mike! Ok, I'm really outta here now.
He's still behind Bean.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Oyam18 on December 29, 2015, 05:10:33 PM
Enjoying a poor mans VSG on ice.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 05:26:49 PM
I'm heading out too with the newly acquired Padilla Artemis toro. The weather is cold and windy but then again, so is my wife.
Old lady got gas?
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 05:27:26 PM
Enjoying a poor mans VSG on ice.
Let it snow...
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 06:00:50 PM
Evening Duke of Oxford.
Evening Dave.  Where in the world are you?  Been meaning to ask you about your thoughts on the LFD La Nox.  And the verdict is?
Decent smoke, chocolate, coffee, leather.  Pretty uniform.  Need to get to another to pay a little closer attention.
Worth the money?  Neat packaging for sure.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 06:02:29 PM
Enjoying a poor mans VSG on ice.
Oy! Looks wintry. 
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Threebean on December 29, 2015, 07:05:18 PM
Time for me to git.  Adios, mofos.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 07:26:40 PM
Made it to my Louisiana stop for the night, only 400 miles left for tomorrow .
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on December 29, 2015, 08:22:53 PM
Made it to my Louisiana stop for the night, only 400 miles left for tomorrow .
Hope you found a smoke friendly place. Safe travels.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on December 29, 2015, 08:44:38 PM
Made it to my Louisiana stop for the night, only 400 miles left for tomorrow .
Hope you found a smoke friendly place. Safe travels.
No smoke since Sunday but will be home for one tomorrow aftrnoon.
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: cigarbreath on December 29, 2015, 10:35:06 PM
This ones for you Chip.  Geaux Tigers!
Title: Re: 12/29/2015
Post by: Travellin Dave on December 29, 2015, 11:22:56 PM
This ones for you Chip.  Geaux Tigers!
So far, so good.