
Cigar Banter => Daily Cigar Deals Discussion => Topic started by: CigarBanter on May 06, 2017, 12:01:45 AM

Title: 5/6/2017
Post by: CigarBanter on May 06, 2017, 12:01:45 AM
What's up cigar enthusiasts?!  Any cigar deals on the various internet sites that are worth talking about? Join in this discussion and perhaps learn something along the way.  Warning: don't proceed if you have thin skin but don't be afraid to post either...  And welcome aboard!
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:23:32 AM
Morning Snowflakes, Happy Derby Day!!

Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:30:51 AM
54 degrees with clear skies now and 89 with nothing but blue skies and sunshine for the afternoon.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:42:30 AM
2nd cup poured
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 06:34:49 AM
good morning Dave.
EPC 2nd and coffee here.
these cool damp mornings are killing me. can't wait for med approval.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 06:35:12 AM
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 06:35:43 AM
good morning Dave.
EPC 2nd and coffee here.
these cool damp mornings are killing me. can't wait for med approval.
Morning Dean
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 06:44:48 AM
54 degrees with clear skies now and 89 with nothing but blue skies and sunshine for the afternoon.
57 here, may make mid 70's. my body needs heat.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 07:18:34 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 07:22:05 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 07:24:22 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
That should be Venus.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 07:25:04 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
You are spot on but I had no recollection and had to use the Internet cheat sheet.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 07:32:11 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
You are spot on but I had no recollection and had to use the Internet cheat sheet.
That's what it's there for. Good morning Dave and Dean.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 07:33:27 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
That's a beautiful picture, by the way. Cloudy and showers still going on here.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 07:33:36 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
You are spot on but I had no recollection and had to use the Internet cheat sheet.
That's what it's there for. Good morning Dave and Dean.
good morning Tony. how goes CFest?
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 07:35:29 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
You are spot on but I had no recollection and had to use the Internet cheat sheet.
well, guess not all my brain cells are dead. if only I could remember more important things other than the morning 'Love Star'.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 07:35:52 AM
Morning Mayor
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 07:36:35 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
You are spot on but I had no recollection and had to use the Internet cheat sheet.
well, guess not all my brain cells are dead. if only I could remember more important things other than the morning 'Love Star'.
LOL, well you are one star ahead of my memory.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 08:39:45 AM
Time for another SHEESH!
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 09:30:28 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
You are spot on but I had no recollection and had to use the Internet cheat sheet.
That's what it's there for. Good morning Dave and Dean.
good morning Tony. how goes CFest?
I ain't there yet. Boys have baseball next and then I'm dismissed.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 09:33:23 AM
Time for me to walk the dogs.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 10:06:19 AM
Beautiful eastern sky with one bright star or maybe a planet) still shining this morning!
I think if I remember my high school astronomy lessons it's Venus the morning 'star'.
AND Evening star....does double duty.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 10:08:29 AM
Morning HomelessDave, RyanCareDean and TaxiDriverTony.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 10:11:36 AM
Boy's flight was delayed three hours from Newark so didn't get in until about 11:30....we got home at 1 AM.  Pickup area was a zoo at that time even (luckily I had him go to the upper [departures] level as that was clear.  That after coming in at 6 on the redeye myself, I rolled over and caught a few more winks myself this morning.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 10:15:43 AM

On May 6, 1937, the hydrogen-filled German airship Hindenburg burned and crashed in Lakehurst, New Jersey, killing 35 of the 97 people on board and a Navy crewman on the ground.

On this date:

In 1889, the Paris Exposition formally opened, featuring the just-completed Eiffel Tower.

In 1910, Britain’s Edwardian era ended with the death of King Edward VII; he was succeeded by George V.

In 1935, the Works Progress Administration began operating under an executive order signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In 1941, Josef Stalin assumed the Soviet premiership, replacing Vyacheslav M. Molotov. Comedian Bob Hope did his first USO show before an audience of servicemen as he broadcast his radio program from March Field in Riverside, California.

In 1942, during World War II, some 15,000 American and Filipino troops on Corregidor surrendered to Japanese forces.

In 1954, medical student Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile during a track meet in Oxford, England, in 3:59.4.

In 1957, Eugene O’Neill’s play “Long Day’s Journey into Night” won the Pulitzer Prize for drama; John F. Kennedy’s “Profiles in Courage” won the Pulitzer for biography or autobiography.

In 1960, Britain’s Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong-Jones, a commoner, at Westminster Abbey. (They divorced in 1978.)

In 1974, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt resigned after one of his aides was exposed as an East German spy.

In 1987, Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart held a news conference in Hanover, New Hampshire, in which he denied ever having an affair with Miami model Donna Rice, but declined to say whether he’d ever committed adultery. CIA Director William J. Casey died at age 74, leaving questions unanswered about his knowledge of the Iran-Contra affair.

In 1992, former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev delivered a speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, where Winston Churchill had spoken of the “Iron Curtain”; Gorbachev said the world was still divided, between North and South, rich and poor.

Actress Marlene Dietrich died at her Paris home at age 90.

In 2002, Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn (pihm fohr-TOWN’) was shot and killed in Hilversum, Netherlands. (Volkert van der Graaf was later convicted of killing Fortuyn and was sentenced to 18 years in prison — he was released in May 2014.)
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 10:16:51 AM
Ten years ago: Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy (sahr-koh-ZEE’) won the French presidency by a comfortable margin over socialist opponent Segolene Royal (seh-goh-LEHN’ roy-AL’).

Five years ago: Vice President Joe Biden told NBC’s “Meet the Press” he was “absolutely comfortable” with gay couples who marry getting the same civil rights and liberties as heterosexual couples. Socialist Francois Hollande (frahn-SWAH’ oh-LAWND’) defeated conservative incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy (sahr-koh-ZEE’) to become France’s next president. Greek voters turned against mainline parties that had backed the tough terms of the country’s massive international bailout. Actor George Lindsey, “Goober” on “The Andy Griffith Show,” died in Nashville at age 83.

One year ago: In his first remarks about Donald Trump’s status as the GOP’s presumptive nominee, President Barack Obama urged the media to undertake tougher scrutiny of presidential candidates, saying from the White House, “This is not entertainment; this is not a reality show.” For the second month in a row, the aerospace upstart SpaceX landed a rocket on an ocean platform just off the Florida coast, this time following the successful launch of a Japanese communications satellite. Police in Montgomery County, Maryland, arrested a suspect in a two-day shooting rampage that claimed the lives of three people, including the suspect’s estranged wife.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 10:24:21 AM
Today's Birthdays
1915 Orson Welles [George], American actor (Citizen Kane, War of the Worlds), born in Kenosha, Wisconsin (d. 1985)
1915 Theodore H White, historian/writer (Making of President)
1917 Kal Mann, American lyricist (d. 2001)
1918 Godfrey Ridout, composer
1918 Sydney Chatton, England
1919 Frank Ereaut, Balliff of Jersey
1920 John Henderson, Lord-Lieutenant (Berkshire England)
1921 Erich Freid, Austrian and British writer, born in Vienna (d. 1988)
1921 Freddy Randall, English jazz trumpeter, born in London (d. 1999)
1921 Robert Fell, CEO (British Stock Exchange)
1922 Alan Ross, editor (London Magazine)
1922 Carlos J Moorhead, (Rep-R-CA, 1973- )
1922 John Ernest, constructionist artist
1922 Pat Harder, NFL fullback (Cardinals, Lions), born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1922 Camille Laurin, Quebec psychiatrist and politician (d. 1999)
1923 Elizabeth Sellars, actress (Chalk Garden), born in Glasgow, Scotland
1923 Guiseppe Martelli, physicist
1923 Vladimir Etush, Russian actor
1924 Mimi Benzell, operatic soprano (Gilda-Rigoletto), born in Bridgeport, Connecticut
1924 Denny Wright, British guitarist (d. 1992)
1925 Patrick Meany, CEO (Rank Organization)
1926 John Hamilton-Jones, CEO (Richmond Enterprises) and British Major-General
1926 Marguerite Piazza, operatic soprano (Young Broadway), born in New Orleans, Louisiana (d. 2012)
1926 Gilles Grégoire, Quebec politician, co-founder of the Parti Québécois (d. 2006)
1927 Ettore Manni, actor (Fatal Desire, Heroes in Hell), born in Rome, Italy
1927 Michael Frederick, cricketer (one Test WI v England 1954, scored 0 & 30)
1928 Robert Poujade, French politician
1929 John Polk Allen, Carnegie Oklahoma, CEO (Biosphere 2)
1929 John Taylor, bishop (St Albans)/Lord High Almoner to Queen
1929 Rosemary Camp, president (Council for British Archaeology)
1929 Leon Hughes, American singer (The Coasters)
1931 Marvin Leath, (Rep-D-TX, 1979- )
Person of interestPerson of Interest
1931 Willie Mays, American baseball centerfielder (Giants, NY Mets), "Say Hey Kid" (660 HRs, MVP 1954), born in Westfield, Alabama
1932 Gunther Hauk, composer
1932 John Bond, cricket umpire
1932 Viscount Coke, English large landowner/art collector
1933 John Willoughby Denison-Pender, 3rd Baron Pender
1934 Richard C Shelby, (Rep-D-AL (1979-86)/Sen-D-AL, 1987- )
1936 Joanna Dunham, actress (Possession, House the Dripped Blood)
1936 Sylvia Robinson, rocker (Mickey & Sylvia-Love is Strange)
1936 Bernard Lemaire, French Canadian businessman (Cascades)
1937 Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, Clifton, New Jersey, American boxer whose murder convictions were overturned after 19 years in prison
1938 Jean Garon, Quebec economist and politician
1938 Larry Gogan, Irish radio personality
1939 Anthony Blacker, master-general of Ordnance
1939 Herbie Cox, rocker (Cleftones)
1939 Zhanna Dmitriyevna Yerkina, Russian cosmonaut
1940 Henry Habibe, Arubian poet (Kerensentenchi)
1940 Murray Sidlin, American conductor (National Symphony 1973-77), born in Baltimore, Maryland
1941 Fred J Eckert, (Rep-D-NY, 1985-87)
1941 Ghena Dimitrova, actress (Nabucco)
1942 Colin Earl, British musician (Mungo Jerry)
1942 Rin Kaiho, professional Go player
1943 Andreas Baader, leader of the German organization Red Army Faction (d. 1977)
1944 Anton Furst, American production designer (d. 1991)
1944 Masanori Murakami, First Japanese baseball player in major leagues
1945 Bob Seger, Dearborn Mich, rock & Roll artist (Silver Bullet Band-Shake Down)
1945 Richard Eyers, actor (My Friend Irma, Stagecoach West), born in Los Angeles, California
1945 Victoria Bond, composer
1946 Jim Ramstad, (Rep-R-Minnesota)
1946 Susan Brown, actress (Gail Baldwin-General Hospital)
1947 Andy Roberts, cricketer (NZ batsman 1976)
1947 Ben Masters, Corvalis OR, actor (Vic-Another World, Making Mr Right)
1947 Dennis Cowan, rocker (Bonzo Dog Band), born in London, England
1947 Sandra Fisher, painter
1947 Martha Nussbaum, American philosopher
1947 Alan Dale, New Zealand actor
1948 Richard Cox, American actor (Mark-Executive Suite), born in NYC, New York
1949 David Cornell Leestma, Muskegon Mich, USN/astronaut (STS 41-G, 28, 45)
1950 Robbie McIntosh, drummer (Avg White Band-Show your Hand)
1951 Samuel Doe, President of Liberia (d. 1990)
1952 Chiaki Naito-Mukai, Tatebayashi Japan, astronaut (STS 65, sk:95)
1952 Christian Clavier, French actor
1952 Michael O'Hare, American actor
1953 Lynn Whitfield, actress (Josephine Baker, Equal Justice), born in Baton Rouge
Person of interestPerson of Interest
1953 Tony Blair, British Prime Minister (Labour: 1997-2007), born in Edinburgh, Scotland
1953 Michelle Courchesne, Quebec politician
1953 Graeme Souness, Scottish footballer/manager
1954 Sergei Nikolayevich Tresvyatsky, Russia, cosmonaut
1954 Dora Bakoyannis, Greek politician
1955 Donald A Thomas, PhD/Astronaut (STS 65, 70, 83, 94), born in Cleveland, Ohio
1955 John Hutton, British politician and cabinet minister (L), born in London
1955 Tom Bergeron, American game show host
1958 Lolita Flores, Spanish singer and actress
1959 Charles Hendry, Cuckfield Sussex, British Conservative Party politician
1959 Eric D Fingerhut, (Rep-D-Ohio)
1959 Kate Collins, actress (Natalie Hunter-All My Children), born in Boston, Massachusetts
1959 Scott Hood, Canadian Tour golfer (1989 Montana Open-2nd), born in Seattle, Washington
1960 Bart de Boer, Dutch guitarist (Ivy Green)
1960 Julianne Phillips, Lake Oswego Oregon, actress (Frankie Reed-Sisters)
1960 Larry Steinbachek, rock synthesizer (Bronski Beat-Smalltown Boy)
1960 John Flansburgh, American musician
1960 Phyllis Treigle, American soprano
1961 Clay O'Brien, Ray Az, actor (Weedy-Cowboys)
Person of interestPerson of Interest
1961 George Clooney, American actor (ER, Batman, The Descendants), born in Lexington, Kentucky
1961 Roma Downey, Derry Ireland, actress (1 Life to Live, Touched by an Angel)
1962 Neil Foster, cricketer (England right-fast medium)
1962 Adam Yellin, American record producer
1963 Alessandra Ferri, British ballerina (American Ballet Theater)
1964 Dana Hill [Goetz], Van Nuys California, actress (2 of Us, Shoot the Moon)
1964 Kim Oden, Ala, US Olympic volleyball player (NCAA Play of Decade-80s)
1964 Mike Grob, Billings Montana, Canadian Tour golfer (1988 Manitoba-3rd)
1964 Mike McGruder, NFL cornerback (Tampa Bay Bucs)
1965 Bob Bassen, NHL center (Dallas Stars), born in Calgary, Alberta
1965 Ken Harvey, NFL linebacker (Washington Redskins)
1965 Norman Whiteside, British soccer player
1965 Paul Frase, NFL defensive end (Green Bay Packers-Super Bowl 31)
1965 Tim Simpson, Nike golfer (1985 Southern Open), born in Atlanta, Georgia
1965 Zahid Sadiq, cricketer
1967 Patrick F Manning Jr, Poughkeepsie NY, rower (Olympic-92)
1968 Andy Kelly, WLAF quarterback (Rhein Fire)
1968 Linnea Marie Fayard, Shrevept La, Miss Louisiana-America (1991-5th)
1968 Lætitia Sadier, French singer (Stereolab)
1969 Mark Thomas, NFL defensive end (Carolina Panthers, Packers, Bears)
1969 Pascall Davis, WLAF linebacker (Amsterdam Admirals)
1969 Jim Magilton, Northern Irish footballer
1970 Emerson Martin, NFL guard (Pittsburgh Steelers, Carolina Panthers, Packers)
1970 Kavan Smith, Canadian actor
1971 Rob Holmberg, NFL linebacker (Oakland Raiders)
1971 Chris Shiflett, Guitarist for Foo Fighters
1972 Dean Larsson, BC Canada, Nike golfer (1994 Monterrey Open-46th)
Person of interestPerson of Interest
1972 Martin Brodeur, NHL goalie (NJ Devils, Team Canada), born in Montreal, Quebec
1973 Clay Williams, OL (Indianapolis Colts)
1973 Joe Spiteri, Australian soccer striker (Olyroos, Olympics-96)
1973 Wendy Ward, LPGA golfer (1995 GHP Classic-15th), born in San Antonio, Texas
1976 Lindsay Page, figure skater (1997 E Great Lakes Sr-3rd), born in Madison, Wisconsin
1977 Gabriela Aguilar, Miss Costa Rica Universe (1997)
1977 Shannon Shakespeare, Mission BC, 100m swimmer (Olympics-96)
1977 Trent Steed, Australian swimmer (Olympics-96), born in Sydney, New South Wales
1977 Christophe Brandt, Belgian cyclist
1978 Fredrick Federley, Swedish politician
1978 John Abraham, American football player
1978 Alexander Fedorov, Russian bodybuilder
1979 Nikki Hayes, Irish radio personality
1980 Brooke Bennett, 800m freestyle (Olympics-gold-96)
1980 Kasumi Takahashi, Australian rhythmic gymnast (Oly-96), born in Tokyo, Japan
1980 Ricardo Oliveira, Brazilian footballer
1980 Scott Colton, American professional wrestler
1980 Mario Stojić, Croatian basketball player
1980 Taebin, Korean singer (1TYM)
1980 Kelly van der Veer, Dutch reality TV star
1981 Matthew Leone, bassist of Madina Lake
1981 Nathan Leone, lead singer of Madina Lake
1981 Edyta Sliwinska, Polish professional dancer
1981 Mark O'Connell, American drummer (Taking Back Sunday)
1983 Adrianne Palicki, American actress
1985 Chris Paul, All-Star NBA Point Guard
1986 Cindy Daniel, Quebec singer
1986 Tyler Hynes, Canadian actor
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Oyam18 on May 06, 2017, 10:40:13 AM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 10:42:59 AM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Oyam18 on May 06, 2017, 11:05:50 AM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Santorini Greece
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 11:15:11 AM
Tobacos El Triunfador No.4 Lit and a Diet Coke
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 11:15:49 AM
Morning HomelessDave, RyanCareDean and TaxiDriverTony.
Morning DoubleRedEyeDave
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 11:29:52 AM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Santorini Greece
sweet. I'm envious.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 11:31:46 AM
Tobacos El Triunfador No.4 Lit and a Diet Coke
Tat Miami here and coffee.
70 clear degrees out with a light breeze.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 11:36:45 AM
going to head out soon for Fort Island Beach in Crystal River. nice day to stroll along the beach and pier. just a little local place.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 12:03:34 PM
Hey all you die-hard smokers! Are you sick and tired of paying shipping fees over and over again for your cigars, samplers, auction wins, deals, and cigar of the month orders? We don't blame you because you sure can't smoke shipping costs! Join JR Plus today for only $29.95 and you'll get free shipping for entire year, exclusive deals not available to non-members, new product alerts, monthly newsletters, JR Plus days just for you, and more. If you love Amazon Prime, you're really gonna love JR Plus! Do the math, if you're a frequent buyer, the cost of the membership fee will pay for itself after only a few orders. This is most definitely a no-brainer! Join now to make your favorite pastime even more affordable and be part of the cool club. What's not to love?
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 12:14:23 PM
going to head out soon for Fort Island Beach in Crystal River. nice day to stroll along the beach and pier. just a little local place.
Anyplace there to catch some oysters and conch fritters?
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Travellin Dave on May 06, 2017, 12:15:54 PM
Hey all you die-hard smokers! Are you sick and tired of paying shipping fees over and over again for your cigars, samplers, auction wins, deals, and cigar of the month orders? We don't blame you because you sure can't smoke shipping costs! Join JR Plus today for only $29.95 and you'll get free shipping for entire year, exclusive deals not available to non-members, new product alerts, monthly newsletters, JR Plus days just for you, and more. If you love Amazon Prime, you're really gonna love JR Plus! Do the math, if you're a frequent buyer, the cost of the membership fee will pay for itself after only a few orders. This is most definitely a no-brainer! Join now to make your favorite pastime even more affordable and be part of the cool club. What's not to love?
Good one!  Almost as good as Atlantic   ;)
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 12:17:15 PM
going to head out soon for Fort Island Beach in Crystal River. nice day to stroll along the beach and pier. just a little local place.
Anyplace there to catch some oysters and conch fritters?
That is prime scallop area in July.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 12:17:54 PM
Hey all you die-hard smokers! Are you sick and tired of paying shipping fees over and over again for your cigars, samplers, auction wins, deals, and cigar of the month orders? We don't blame you because you sure can't smoke shipping costs! Join JR Plus today for only $29.95 and you'll get free shipping for entire year, exclusive deals not available to non-members, new product alerts, monthly newsletters, JR Plus days just for you, and more. If you love Amazon Prime, you're really gonna love JR Plus! Do the math, if you're a frequent buyer, the cost of the membership fee will pay for itself after only a few orders. This is most definitely a no-brainer! Join now to make your favorite pastime even more affordable and be part of the cool club. What's not to love?
Good one!  Almost as good as Atlantic   ;)
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 12:29:58 PM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Santorini Greece
Dang. You have to give me the name of your travel agent.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Oyam18 on May 06, 2017, 02:04:36 PM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Santorini Greece
Dang. You have to give me the name of your travel agent.
OY travel &Tours 
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Oyam18 on May 06, 2017, 02:05:57 PM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Santorini Greece
sweet. I'm envious.
you have a beach 365, envious back at ya. I belive we are both blessed
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: Oyam18 on May 06, 2017, 02:24:09 PM
Enjoying fresh juice a cigar and great sunsets
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 02:52:00 PM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Santorini Greece
Dang. You have to give me the name of your travel agent.
OY travel &Tours
You obviously know what you're doing. How many of you?
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 02:55:23 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 02:55:28 PM
First cigar of the day... Less blessed in PA but I ain't complaining.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 02:59:57 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 03:14:22 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 03:29:14 PM
90 degrees here and only 28% humidity.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 03:35:30 PM
90 degrees here and only 28% humidity.
Kind of hot for sipp'n my Derby Bourbon a little later.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 03:35:50 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 04:00:15 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 04:26:12 PM
90 degrees here and only 28% humidity.
Kind of hot for sipp'n my Derby Bourbon a little later.
Today's Derby Libation
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 04:31:26 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 04:33:20 PM
90 degrees here and only 28% humidity.
Kind of hot for sipp'n my Derby Bourbon a little later.
Today's Derby Libation
Drinking some Woodford Reserve rye here. Goes well with the cigar.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 04:36:20 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

Definitely a nice smoke there!
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:09:51 PM
90 degrees here and only 28% humidity.
Kind of hot for sipp'n my Derby Bourbon a little later.
Today's Derby Libation
Very nice sipp'n bourbon, finished in port barrels
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:12:16 PM
Enjoying fresh juice a cigar and great sunsets
that is a lovely picture.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:14:38 PM
Coffee and a smoke on Black Beach
nice DaveOy.
where you at?
Santorini Greece
sweet. I'm envious.
you have a beach 365, envious back at ya. I belive we are both blessed
yes, I can enjoy the beach about 50 out of 52 weeks a year. I can do sunrises/sunsets in the kayak year round. easy to forget about NY living here.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:15:46 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

never had, probably never will. enjoy Tony.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:18:37 PM
feeding baby possums then it's back to my place for thick cut NY Strip steaks. not sure about sides, maybe just a salad.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:23:18 PM
feeding baby possums then it's back to my place for thick cut NY Strip steaks. not sure about sides, maybe just a salad.
Cowboy Cut Ribeyes here tonight with sautéed mushrooms and twice baked potatoes.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 05:23:27 PM
Drinking some Stone Ripper now. Very nice brew.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 05:24:05 PM
90 degrees here and only 28% humidity.
Kind of hot for sipp'n my Derby Bourbon a little later.
Today's Derby Libation
Very nice sipp'n bourbon, finished in port barrels
Charlie is a big fan and concurs.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:24:48 PM
gotta put my money on Always Deaming, I like Velasquez as a jockey, and Hence to place.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:25:41 PM
feeding baby possums then it's back to my place for thick cut NY Strip steaks. not sure about sides, maybe just a salad.
Cowboy Cut Ribeyes here tonight with sautéed mushrooms and twice baked potatoes.
I can do mushrooms, maybe a baked potato.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 05:26:20 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

never had, probably never will. enjoy Tony.
They were on special for $14. Not bad for b&m price. Special occasion hanging out with Charlie and starting new job on Monday, otherwise not one I would necessarily purchase again.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:27:32 PM
Drinking some Stone Ripper now. Very nice brew.
grapefruit and passion fruit? I always preferred draft. it was simple and tasted like beer. lol.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:29:04 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

never had, probably never will. enjoy Tony.
They were on special for $14. Not bad for b&m price. Special occasion hanging out with Charlie and starting new job on Monday, otherwise not one I would necessarily purchase again.
that is a good price, and because of the celebrations you deserve the treat. tell Charlie I said hi.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 05:30:27 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

never had, probably never will. enjoy Tony.
They were on special for $14. Not bad for b&m price. Special occasion hanging out with Charlie and starting new job on Monday, otherwise not one I would necessarily purchase again.
that is a good price, and because of the celebrations you deserve the treat. tell Charlie I said hi.
He says hi back.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:31:55 PM
Drinking some Stone Ripper now. Very nice brew.
grapefruit and passion fruit? I always preferred draft. it was simple and tasted like beer. lol.
I too prefer beer that tastes like beer
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:32:21 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

never had, probably never will. enjoy Tony.
They were on special for $14. Not bad for b&m price. Special occasion hanging out with Charlie and starting new job on Monday, otherwise not one I would necessarily purchase again.
that is a good price, and because of the celebrations you deserve the treat. tell Charlie I said hi.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:35:24 PM
gotta put my money on Always Deaming, I like Velasquez as a jockey, and Hence to place.
I am for Patch, he only has one eye.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:38:59 PM
Warden brought out some toasted French bread with melted mozzarella and  Prosciutto, damn good.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 05:39:44 PM
gotta put my money on Always Deaming, I like Velasquez as a jockey, and Hence to place.
I am for Patch, he only has one eye.
add Irish War Cry if it's raining.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 05:44:00 PM
Drinking some Stone Ripper now. Very nice brew.
grapefruit and passion fruit? I always preferred draft. it was simple and tasted like beer. lol.
I too prefer beer that tastes like beer
The fruit notes are subtle. It's clearly an IPA.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 05:46:47 PM
Are you at CF yet Mayor?
We're heading to the CI Superstore for a drink and a smoke. No tailgating this year. No tickets so no reason to actually go to Lake Harmony.
You are smoking and that is what counts

Good smoke too.
I am going to fire up a drumstick here in a little bit
I have one with me too. Decided on Fuente Fuente Opus X - Reserva D' Chateau (churchill) for the time being. Great cigar. Creamy and nutty notes. Let's see if it changes as it burns.

never had, probably never will. enjoy Tony.
They were on special for $14. Not bad for b&m price. Special occasion hanging out with Charlie and starting new job on Monday, otherwise not one I would necessarily purchase again.
that is a good price, and because of the celebrations you deserve the treat. tell Charlie I said hi.
He says hi back too.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 05:51:58 PM
Drumstick is a very good milder side cigar
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 06:14:38 PM
Drumstick is a very good milder side cigar
Milder, huh? We're gonna head out to The Wooden Match for a bite and I may light that one up.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 06:18:34 PM
Drumstick is a very good milder side cigar
Milder, huh? We're gonna head out to The Wooden Match for a bite and I may light that one up.
Milder to me, also a long smoke over an hour.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 06:22:35 PM
gotta put my money on Always Deaming, I like Velasquez as a jockey, and Hence to place.
I am for Patch, he only has one eye.
add Irish War Cry if it's raining.
I want Patch to win but money on Classic Empire
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 06:50:34 PM
gotta put my money on Always Deaming, I like Velasquez as a jockey, and Hence to place.
I am for Patch, he only has one eye.
add Irish War Cry if it's raining.
High risk Dean'O picks the two 9/2 favorites. ::)
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 06:55:09 PM
Always Dreaming it is!

Never a contest he led the entire race on the inside.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: A Friend of Charlie on May 06, 2017, 07:47:02 PM
We're at the Wooden Match now. Just lit my Drumstick.

Hope it goes well with my 1 lb. BLT. (diet is out the window today)

Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 08:17:49 PM
We're at the Wooden Match now. Just lit my Drumstick.

Hope it goes well with my 1 lb. BLT. (diet is out the window today)

I ate a one pound BLT in St Louis and was in the emergency room with a mild stroke the next day

20 oz hand dipped Chocolate Malt I had with it was probably the problem though.
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: FloridaDean on May 06, 2017, 09:17:53 PM
We're at the Wooden Match now. Just lit my Drumstick.

Hope it goes well with my 1 lb. BLT. (diet is out the window today)

why is it called Drumstick?
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: South Carolina Redfish on May 06, 2017, 09:22:08 PM
We're at the Wooden Match now. Just lit my Drumstick.

Hope it goes well with my 1 lb. BLT. (diet is out the window today)

why is it called Drumstick?
Because it is a Lancero
Title: Re: 5/6/2017
Post by: LuvTooGolf on May 06, 2017, 10:30:57 PM
We're at the Wooden Match now. Just lit my Drumstick.

Hope it goes well with my 1 lb. BLT. (diet is out the window today)

Think Fish picked up a couple of those yesterday at Famous. I know he got at least 1, cause that's what he smoked over Bloody Marys.